Plum Guide is a curated booking platform, so only homes that fit our criteria (it’s a secret) can be listed on the platform.

When a Host agrees to partner with us we vet their properties to make sure they are in line with our requirements.

New Hosts

If a host wishes to list their properties on Plum Guide they will follow these steps:

  1. Accept our Host Agreement with one of our Sales Representatives - please reach out to and he will introduce you to the sales team.
  2. Host will send and create all their listings via the API.
    • Listings must include an external ID and can include an Airbnb ID or direct URL
  3. Plum Guide will vet the properties and establish which can go live
  4. Plum Guide will build the listings using the data available via the API, Direct URL &/or Airbnb ID and create a unique Property Name & Description
  5. Plum Guide will onboard the Host adding the remaining missing Data (see table below)
  6. Host / Plum Guide Team can create Client ID & Secret Key to share with you
  7. Host / Plum Guide final QA check and confirmation to go live
  8. Homes go live

Data currently not available via API v2:

Host DetailsPlum Dashboard
Bank DetailsPlum Dashboard
Guest CommunicationsPlum Dashboard

Existing Hosts

If the Host is already live on Plum Guide then they can create their own Client Credentials in the Plum Guide Host Dashboard under API -> Create Credentials. The listings will appear on your side (only InReview/ Published status) and you can map the Properties accordingly.

If the Host adds new properties they can inform their Account Manager